Page 276 - ICT_for_JHS_Classical
P. 276
Title Bar
Menu bar
The Menu bar displays all of the menus that are available for use in Excel. The
contents of any menu can be displayed by clicking on the menu name with the
left mouse button.
Below the menu bar are the toolbars. A toolbar is a bar containing buttons and
options that you use to carry out or access commands more quickly than by
opening the menus and the respective dialog boxes.
Toolbars consist of icons that act as short-cuts to the commands found under the
menus. The standard, formatting and drawing toolbars are the main examples
of Toolbars.
Standard Toolbar:
Standard Toolbar
Labeled Standard Toolbar
1. New: Create a new, blank spreadsheet
2. Open: Open a previously saved spreadsheet
3. Save: Save your current spreadsheet
4. Permission: Permission: Microsoft has enabled Information Rights
Management (IRM) within the new version of Excel, which can help
protect sensitive documents from being copied or forwarded. Click this
for more information and options.
5. Print: Prints the current document.
6. Print Preview: Preview the potential print of the current document.