Page 284 - ICT_for_JHS_Classical
P. 284

New: This is used to create a new workbook.
                          Open: This is used to open an existing file from a floppy disk or hard
                          drive of your computer.
                          Close: This is used to close a spreadsheet.
                          Save As: This is used to save a new file for the first time or to save an
                          existing file with a different name.

                          Save: This is used to save a file that has had changes made to it. If you
                          close the workbook without saving it, any changes that were made will
                          be lost.

               Excel Pointers

                          Normal pointer         : it is used to select a cell or range; indicates ready

                          Fill handle       : It is used to create an alpha-numeric series in a range.
                          I - Beam : It is used to edit contents of formula bar.

                          Move      : it is used to change the location of selected cell or cells.

                          Column Resizer           : It is used to widen or narrow the width of a

                          Row Resizer          : It is used to increase or decrease the height of a row.

                          Column Selector          : It is used to select a whole a column.

                          Row Selector          : It is used to select a whole a row.

                          Worksheet is the electronic sheet that contains rows and columns.

                          The worksheets are labelled Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3.
                          In order to access a worksheet, click on the tab that says Sheet#.
                          Each Excel worksheet is made up of columns and rows.
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