Page 76 - ICT_for_JHS_Classical
P. 76


                                   )                        Close Parenthesis

                                   ,                              Comma

                                   $                               Dollar

                                   >                           Greater than

                                   <                             Less than

                                   =                                Equal

                                   –                    Minus / Hyphen / Dash

                                   +                                 Plus

                                  %                                Percent

                                   ^                       Exponential / Caret

                                   :                               Colon

                                   ;                           Semi- Colon

                                   #           Hash / Pound / Number Sign / Sharp

                                   _                           Underscores

                                   ~                         Tilde/ Dwindle

                                   |                             Pipe / Bar

               To type some of the above symbols, you may have to press and hold the Shift
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