Page 85 - ICT_for_JHS_Classical
P. 85

Status Bar 1

                                                         Status Bar 2

               Other Parts of Word Processors
                          Ruler: This is used to set margins, indents and tabs.
                          Insertion Point: This is the location where the next character appears.
                          End-Of-Document Marker: This indicates the end of the document.
                          Help: This provides quick access to Help topics.

                          Scrollbars: These are used to view parts of the document.
                          Task Pane: This provides easy access to commonly used menus,
                          buttons and tools.
                          Office Assistant: This links to the Microsoft Office Help feature.

               The Ribbon

               The Ribbon is the set of toolbars at the top of the windows in office programs

               designed to help you quickly find the commands that you need to complete a
               task. The ribbon replaced the toolbars and menus in Office XP such as standard,
               format, view and drawing toolbars with Tabs.

               The tabs are seven: Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings,
               Review, and View. Each tab is divided into groups. The groups are collections
               of features designed to perform functions. Commonly used features are
               displayed on the Ribbon. To view additional features within each group, click on
               the arrow at the bottom right of each group.

               The ribbon was introduced in Office 2007.

                                                         The Ribbon

               Below are the tabs on the Ribbon and their functions

                          Home: Clipboard, Fonts, Paragraph, Styles, and Editing.
                          Insert: Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Header & Footer, Text, and
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