Page 48 - ICT_for_JHS_1_Classical
P. 48

Function: Spacebar is used to create spaces between words and other characters
               in a document.

               Control Key: Control is also a modifier key. It is abbreviated as Ctrl.

               Control is pressed with other keys to perform specific actions. When using a Ctrl
               key, press and hold the Ctrl before pressing other keys. E.g. Ctrl + B = Bold; Ctrl

               + C = Copy; Ctrl + F = Find, etc.
               Ctrl does not do anything when pressed alone.

               Alternate Key: Alternate or Alt Key is another modifier key.

                          Alt key does not do anything like Ctrl when pressed alone. It needs
                          another key to make things happen. E.g. Alt + F4 = Close Window; Alt
                          + Tab = Switch between windows, Ctrl + Alt + Del = Task Manager,


               Num Lock Key: Num Lock is also a toggle key.

               Function: Num Lock is used to activate and deactivate the numeric keypad.

               Page Up Key: PgUp key is used to scroll up pages in a document. It is also
               used to move up one screen.

               Page Down Key: PgDn is used to scroll down pages in a document. It is also
               used to move down one screen.
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