P. 3

Dear Prospective Member:

           Thank you for your interest in one of our Medicare Advantage plans. According to the Centers for
           Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), our Medicare HMO and Medicare PPO plans are highly rated,
           and we achieved 5 out of 5 Stars in Customer Service for the 5th year in a row.

                            Medicare HMO                                     Medicare PPO

                           5 out of 5 Stars                                 4 out of 5 Stars

                        Overall Plan Rating                              Overall Plan Rating

           We offer a wide variety of health care coverage that takes both your needs and your budget
           into consideration. These plans may include more benefits than Original Medicare, such as:

           • Coverage for Part D prescription drugs
           • Routine dental, vision, and hearing services
           • Up to $300 toward qualified fitness and weight-loss programs
           • And more

           How do I enroll?

                     Online                   By phone                   By mail                    By fax
                     Visit               1-800-678-2265              Complete the              Complete the
                  (TTY: 711),           enclosed enrollment       enclosed enrollment
                   medicare             10/1–2/14, every day        form and mail in           form and fax to
                                       8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.      the self-addressed         1-617-246-8506.
                                       8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


                                101 Huntington Avenue, Suite 1300  |  Boston, MA 02199-7611  |
            Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
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