Page 26 - ProfilGate-Loc8_Neat
P. 26

Low maintenance

                      & easy to clean!

          The ProfilGate® System is practically free of maintenance. Once
          installed, it works 24 hours/7 days. There are no running
          energy costs. We recommend you empty and clean the grates every
          couple of weeks.
          After approximately 500,000 passages, a simple replacement of the brush
          strips will do to immediately restore the full cleaning capacity.

       Easily removable grate               Fast cleaning

       The ProfilGate®-Lifter enables fast and   The dirt collected under the grate
       back-friendly removal of the grates    segments can be quickly disposed of by
       for cleaning – by just one person!     vacuum cleaner or shovel.
       In this way, personnel costs are saved
       and maintenance expenditure is further

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