Page 3 - CPM Sri Lanka Annual Report 2020-2021
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CPM Sri Lanka | Annual Report 2020-2021
2013 2014 Yet again, your Institute, The Chartered Professional There are many measures of judging the success of
2009 2018 Managers of Sri Lanka has had to brave the current an organisation, not least its financial performance.
year of severe discomfort and breakdown because
CPM is proud to announce that despite every
2016 there was no letup in the pandemic. Causing the impediment and deterrent, our balance sheet
2011 closure of businesses, travel, and livelihood, while showed Rs. 19.6 Million.
schools and educational institutes suspended But a more valid barometer of success is the
2010 personal meetings and learning. International sports activities that were held for member development.
activities and every form of exercise were suspended
2019 with all resources diverted to matters concerning We organised a series of webinars bringing relevant
2015 health. information to our members. Our virtual conference
on 23rd and 24th February 2021 was well attended.
2017 On the frontlines of the pandemic’s economic fallout, Our Annual Convocation was held on 22nd March
2021 with the former Chief Justice of the Country,
our members belonging to diverse disciplines, played
2012 a vital role, securing business continuity and support Mr. K Sripavan. International Women’s Day 2021
the financial well-being of individuals, communities, was celebrated with a view of seeking to champion
and economies, and above all providing essential gender equality.
support to the Institute.