Page 19 - HCSD SOPandIC Manual
P. 19

               Standard Operating Procedures and Controls Manual

                       Accounts Receivable

                   •  Monitors and correctly records monthly receipt of tax levy for general fund and debt service (if

                   •  Monitors and correctly records monthly receipt of state funding.

                   •  Makes entry into the accounting software creating accounts receivable for leases and other
                       payments as they are signed and/or invoices are generated. Monitors and correctly records
                       monthly receipts against these amounts.

                   •  Records monthly receivable amounts for federal programs and state Child Nutrition
                       reimbursements, and correctly records monthly receipt. Verifies year-end accounts receivable for
                       preparation of audit.

                       Accounts Payable

                   •  Checks all invoices against original order, investigates differences.

                   •  Routinely reviews outstanding orders and investigates delivery of items on orders more than
                       ninety days old.

                   •  Compiles documentation for payment verifying that receiving copy is signed by authorized
                       employee, invoice or documentation supporting reimbursement is accurate uploaded to MUNIS.

                   •  Obtains signatures of school business administrator authorizing payment.

                   •  Enters payments into the accounting system for payment; generates checks (or EFT) and claims
                       list for inclusion in Monthly Financial Report.   Submits bills and claims list to the board for
                       approval monthly.

                   •  After Board approval of claims list, acquires signatures of Board President, or other Board
                       authorized representative as per Board policy and mails checks to vendors.

                   •  Issues manual (hand-drawn) checks only for special or emergency situations as per direction of
                       school business administrator.

                   •  All tasks performed by support personnel will be reviewed and approved by the School Business

                       School Bookkeepers

                   •  Records all ACH deposits and bank deposits in the district MUNIS ERP system daily.

                   •  Prepares deposit slip for cash and/or checks and makes arrangements for delivery to bank within
                       the statutory time limits.

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