Page 27 - TORCH #18 - May 2021
P. 27

automatically let go of your constitutional rights,” said Mogoeng in his defence.
He argues there was nothing in his remarks, in which he called for the peaceful mediation of the situation in the Middle East, that would have contradicted any official South African government policy.
“I respect the law and that is why I’m appealing,” he added.
 “I cannot, as a Christian, do anything other than love and pray for Israel"
 Mogoeng said if it came to the point where he was forced to reject God, he would rather be without money or position and please God rather than man.
“If I get to the point where there is a judgment that says ‘Mogoeng you must say you hate Israel and the Jews’ I would rather cease to be chief justice than to do it. If I get to the point where they say ‘Mogoeng you must say you hate the Palestinians, and Palestine’ I would rather cease to be chief justice than to do it, because my God has instructed me to love and not to hate,” he said.
“The Lord gave me rock-solid grounds to appeal,” he added.
Standing up for Israel and our Christian values is clearly something we here at Christians United for Israel support 100 per cent and we commend Mogoeng on his brave stand for truth!
Amazingly, tens-of-thousands have come to his support with over 130,000 people signing a petition to defend both Mogoeng and the Christian faith. And Christian groups in South Africa have held open prayer meetings and demonstrations in the streets showing support for Mogoeng and waving Israeli flags as a sign of solidarity.
We hope justice will prevail and Mogoeng’s commitment to the truth will be honoured. As the Bible says, “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you.”
           Christians United for Israel is passionate about defending Israel and the Jewish people along with the Judeo-Christian values of our nation.
 Your purchase enables CUFI to be a strong and effective voice of support for Israel in the UK.

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