Page 9 - TORCH #1 - Autumn 2015
P. 9

  Palestinian Authority and
in Israel, reject such hatred and want to live peacefully. Therefore, you would expect the leader of the PA to condemn the attacks. Not so...
On 17 September, prior to the recent wave of attacks, PA President Mahmoud Abbas stated:
out in condemnation.
But when such attacks happen in Israel there is silence. When a ‘world leader’ calls for blood to
be spilled in Jerusalem, Israel’s allies should come to its defence – but there
is silence. If ISIS terrorists published videos promoting stabbings, it would be rightly condemned – but by Palestinian terrorists there is silence.
On Saturday, 17 October pro-Palestinian protesters held a rally in Los Angeles. But rather than being billed as a “protest” it was titled as “solidarity with Palestine
day of rage”. Is that the day of rage, announced
in October by Hamas and Fatah that resulted in the deaths of Israelis at the hands of terrorists? On the same day, a pro-Palestinian rally took place in London, close to the Israeli embassy, which attracted large groups of young people. The pro-Palestinian lobby in the UK now has to decide whether it genuinely cares for the Palestinian people, or whether it will support the terrorist attacks and incitement being spewed by Palestinian leaders.
Now is the time for Christians to reject such extremism and stand with Israel.
 “We welcome every drop of blood spilled in Jerusalem. This is pure blood, clean blood, blood on its way to Allah. With the help of Allah, every shaheed (martyr)
will be in heaven, and every wounded will get his reward.”
He must be held accountable for his words.
If Jews were being targeted on a daily basis anywhere else in the world, it would be declared anti-Semitism. World leaders would
be expected to speak
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