Page 46 - Autumn Brilliance - We Wish You A Scary Christmas! Winter 2020
P. 46

  Being that Halloween has always been my favorite holiday of the entire year and I was, and still am, extremely enthralled by it, I discussed it with my wife, and we both thought it would be fun and exciting to set it all up in our yard. This became our first yard haunt and we've done it for the whole month of October every year since.
  My wife and I became involved in the local zombie crawl in a nearby tourist town. We went to the first one to participate as zombies, and afterward, met and became close friends with the guy who created it. We’ve helped him to organize and manage the crawl every year for roughly the past seven years or so.
I also create all the trophies for the awards he gives to participants of the crawl who win in the various categories, and also for the winners of the zombie tag event that he puts on once a year.

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