Page 37 - Herbstreet EHB Final 22052019
P. 37
• Employees should not use company property, services, or any information they obtain on the
job, which is not readily available to the general public, for personal gain and may not possess,
remove or dispose of company materials, supplies or equipment without proper authority.
• Employees may not accept or give any form of gratuity, which would tend to influence, or give
the appearance of influencing, their judgment or the judgment of others in the performance
of their duties. Gifts of value greater than €50 must be disclosed to the Company and may be
placed into an employee raffle to ensure fairness and equality.
• Employees shall not falsify any records, nor shall they withhold information or give false or
misleading information to anyone conducting duly authorised investigations. Failure to
comply may result in reputational damage to the Company and/or negatively affect our
compliance with relevant standards and legislation.
• Employees are not permitted to solicit other employees during working time or in working
areas, for any purpose. Distribution of literature during working time and/or in working areas
is not permitted.
3.6.1 Company Clothing and Standard of Dress
In your role with the Company you are highly likely to be in constant contact with customers, members
of the public and suppliers. It is considered of utmost importance that you endeavour to present a
professional image with regard to appearance and standards of dress. You should wear clothes
appropriate to your role responsibilities and they should be kept clean and tidy at all times.
Clothing appropriate to your role must be worn to work at every shift and the maintenance and
upkeep of same is the responsibility of the employee. Items of Company branded clothing displaying
signs of wear and tear should be brought to the attention of a Manager and they will arrange a
Company branded high visibility clothing must be worn on-site in addition to the appropriate PPE.
Wearing of clothing or PPE displaying the logo/branding of other corporate entities is forbidden.
All Company branded items of clothing must be returned to a Manager following termination of
employment or your resignation. Failure to do so may result in delays issuing your P45.
3.6.2 Personal Grooming Policy
In your role with the Company you are highly likely to be in constant contact with customers, members
of the public and suppliers as well as working in close quarters with fellow employees. This policy on
personal grooming has been developed to ensure employees understand the importance of
appropriate grooming and hygiene in the workplace or when otherwise representing Herbstreet. The
standards of grooming and hygiene outlined below set forth the minimum requirements to which all
employees are required to adhere.
Hygiene - every employee is expected to practice daily hygiene and good grooming habits as set forth
in further detail below.
Hair - Hair should be clean, combed, and neatly trimmed or arranged. Unkempt hair is not permitted.
Sideburns, moustaches, and beards should be neatly trimmed. Non-traditional hair colours are not
Nails - Hands and nails should be kept reasonably clean. The Company appreciate the nature of your
work is not conducive to pristine hand cleanliness but in the interests of your personal hygiene and
safety, gloves are to be worn at all times unless otherwise instructed. Hygiene facilities are provided
and must be utilised and respected.
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