Page 15 - Visage Hair Employee Handbook.REV.V.1
P. 15

An employee is deemed absent when he/she is unavailable for work as assigned/scheduled and fails
               to notify the business within 15 minutes of their start time with reasons for their lateness.

               An employee is deemed to be at fault when he/she:

                   •  Fails to report for work within 15 minutes of the assigned/scheduled start of work time.  In
                       these instances, managers may replace the tardy employee for the full shift.
                   •  Leaves work prior to the end of the assigned/scheduled work time without prior supervisory
                   •  Takes an extended meal or break period without approval
                   •  The Company reserves the right to deduct pay for any instances of the above
                   •  The Company reserves the right to instigate disciplinary proceedings against employees who
                       continuously fail to abide by the above policy

               Notification Procedure
                   •  Employees are expected to follow notification procedures if they will be late for work, will
                       not be at work, or are requesting planned time away from work.  Employees must request in
                       advance to their supervisor and in accordance with procedure if they wish to arrive early or
                       leave early from an assigned shift.
                   •  Supervisors should monitor their employees’ attendance on a regular basis and address
                       unsatisfactory attendance in a timely and consistent manner.  If supervisors notice a pattern
                       of unscheduled lateness/absenteeism they should discuss this concern with the employee.
                   •  Timely and regular attendance is a performance expectation of Visage Salon.  Consequently,
                       those employees who have exhibited unsatisfactory attendance/time keeping which results
                       in disciplinary action may have their employment terminated.

               The Company understands that employees may need to be absent from work from time to time due
               to sickness. This policy covers employees and their line managers in handling time off from work
               where the reason for absence is sickness. The Company aims to have as many employees as possible
               in attendance at all times during the working week and sickness absence needs to be managed so
               that an acceptable level of absence can be permitted and any problems resolved.

               It is a condition of employment with the Company that all employees satisfy their obligation under
               their contract of employment to attend work. Consistent regular attendance at work is required, and
               all employees will be held accountable for such.

                2.12.1 Absence from Work – Notification Requirements on the Day
               Reporting of absences
               If employees are unable to report for work due to illness they should personally notify their line
               manager 1 hour before the scheduled start of the working day, and indicate the reason for and likely
               duration of their absence.  In situations where the line manager is not available they should speak to
               their line manager’s manager.  In the case of an on-going illness in excess of one week, the employee
               must telephone his/her manager within one hour of their normal start time on the first day of each
               week in which he/she is absent, advising that the absence is continuing and their likely return date.

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