Page 13 - DIFC Employee Handbook Draft
P. 13
2.7.5 Payment during Sickness Absence
There is no obligation for the Company to pay an employee while they are on sick leave, unless this is
otherwise stated in your contract. Consequently, it is at the discretion of the Company to pay for time
taken as sick leave. Absences of three or more days must be justified with a medical certificate. This
certificate must cover the period of illness, indicate the nature of the illness and contain a declaration
as to when the employee is expected to be fit to resume normal duties. Members of staff must inform
their line manager as soon as possible, preferably by phone call, when they know they will be unable
to attend work. A Sick Leave form should be completed on the first day back at work.
For long-term sickness absence or frequent periods of sickness absence, the Company may request a
medical report from the employee's GP or consultant. The Company also reserves the right to have an
employee examined by its own medical practitioner. Failure to comply with such a request may result
in disciplinary action being taken.
2.7.6 Overpayments
If you are overpaid for any reason, the total amount of the overpayment will normally be deducted
from your next payment but if this would cause difficulties to you personally, arrangements may be
made with your Manager, in certain circumstances, for the overpayment to be recovered over a longer
period but not exceeding three months.
Maintaining our reputation for a quality service depends upon your punctual and full attendance at
work. The importance the Company places on full attendance and punctuality is reflected in the fact
that these are important criteria for consideration at salary and performance reviews and internal
promotions. Failure to comply with the absence procedure will be dealt with under the disciplinary
2.8.1 Absence from Work – Notification Requirements on the Day
Employees absent from work without prior permission must personally notify their line manager, or
an alternative manager, within a certain number of hours of their scheduled starting time. This
number of hours is specified in the employee's contract of employment. The employee should give
details of the reason for their absence and indicate when they believe they will return to work. The
Company will continuously monitor absence levels. All absences other than certified illness, force
majeure, annual leave or written leave of absence approved by management, may be subject to
disciplinary action in accordance with the procedures outlined.
Please refer to the Teacher’s Manual for details of cover for Academic Staff.
2.8.2 Punctuality
The Company attaches great importance to punctuality. You are expected to be at your workstation
at your agreed start time. If you arrive late, you must report to your Manager before starting work.
The appropriate stage of the Disciplinary Procedure will be instigated if an employee is persistently
late. Persistent lateness is defined as:
• More than three occasions late in a four-week period; and
• More than 150 minutes late in four-week period
2.8.3 Doctor/Dentist Appointment
If, for reasons such as a doctor's/dentist's appointment, you need to request time off, you must agree
the time in advance, with your Manager so that he/she can arrange the necessary cover. Such time
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