Page 39 - GoRentals Employee Handbook Jan2019
P. 39
If these criteria are fulfilled, the employee is not liable for damages by making a disclosure and nor
shall they be penalised by their employer for having done so.
IF the protected disclosure procedure has not been invoked in good faith (for example for malicious
purposes or in pursuit of a personal grudge), then it will make you liable to immediate termination of
employment or such lesser disciplinary sanction as may be appropriate in the circumstances.
3.8.3 Procedure for Making a Disclosure
If you so wish you must in the first instance report any concerns you may have to a Company Director
who will treat the matter with complete confidence, and your identity will remain protected.
Only where you reasonably believe that the relevant wrongdoing which the disclosure tends to show
relates solely or mainly (a) to the conduct of a person other than your employer, or (b) to something
for which a person other than your employer has legal responsibility should you raise the matter with
a person not affiliated with the Company such as the Gardai, a Legal Advisor, the Minister, Revenue,
Health and Safety Authority or Social Services Department.
The following sections describe the Company's policy on maternity leave, maternity pay and paternity
leave/pay. The Company offers benefits and leave, which are in line with the statutory maternity
scheme. If you have any questions about this policy or about any other aspect of maternity rights, you
should contact a Company Director.
3.9.1 Time off for Ante - Natal Classes
A pregnant employee is entitled to time off from her work to the equivalent of the duration of the
class and not including travel time, without loss of pay to attend one set of antenatal classes (other
than the last 3 classes). In addition, an employee who is an expectant father of a child is entitled to
time off from work, without loss of pay to attend the last 2 antenatal classes in a set before the birth.
This is a once off entitlement for fathers in relation to one birth only.
In order to avail of this right a pregnant employee or an expectant father must:
a) notify a Company Director in writing, of the location, date and times of each class as soon as
practicable and in any event not later than 2 weeks before the date of the relevant class; and
b) Produce on request an appropriate document indicating the dates and time of the classes or
the date and time of the relevant class.
If you through no fault of your own do not comply with (a) and (b) above, you must, not later than 1
week after the date of the class concerned provide a Company Director with evidence of your having
attended the class and indicate the circumstances which caused you not to be able to comply with the
requisite notification. If you are unable to attend one full set of classes (other than the last 3) during
a pregnancy due to circumstances beyond your control, including:
• miscarriage;
• the premature birth of the baby concerned; or
• illness
You are entitled during a subsequent pregnancy to such time off from work without loss of pay, as is
necessary to attend the class.
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