Page 59 - GoRentals Employee Handbook Jan2019
P. 59
It is the responsibility of employee’s assigned Company vehicles to maintain necessary records in order
to identify other drivers of their car who may have been responsible for a road traffic offence affecting
them or their vehicle. It is the employee's duty to inform a Company Director immediately of any
accidents, which occur including any penalty points endorsed on their driving licence. Any driver who
loses their driving licence or receives an endorsement must immediately advise the Company, as this
may have to be disclosed to the Insurance Company.
We believe that it is essential that you are kept informed about any Company matter, including its
plans for the future, which may directly affect you. We also expect and welcome feedback from you,
and we have a variety of communication channels to encourage a two-way exchange of information.
3.21.1 One-to-Ones
Individual issues concerning employment conditions will be handled individually by a Company
Director on a one-to-one basis, as part of normal day-to-day work.
3.21.2 Staff Meetings
Sharing business info, planning together etc. apply to all employees and are held on a continuous
3.21.3 E-Mails
If you have access to Company email remember to check for e-mail on a regular basis and at least once
a day. Information on Company business may be disseminated in this way.
Alcohol, except that used for Company-organised social events, is not allowed on Company premises.
Employees believed to be under the influence of alcohol whilst on Company premises will be subject
to disciplinary action.
Drugs (apart from those prescribed by a Medical Practitioner) are not allowed on Company premises
or at Company functions. If there is a reasonable belief that an employee is in possession of, or under
the influence of illegal drugs, he or she will be liable to suspension and/or dismissal. An Garda Siochana
will also be notified.
If you wish to take up a collection, sell raffle tickets etc. within the Company, for whatever purpose,
you must first obtain the approval of a Company Director.
Notices or posters may not be displayed on or within Company premises without the prior permission
of a Company Director. Similarly, documents or notices, which are not directly relevant to work, may
not be circulated without prior permission.
If you incur any expenditure on behalf of the Company, you will be reimbursed, provided that the
expenditure has been wholly, exclusively and reasonably incurred on Company business and has been
approved by a Company Director. Any claims for reimbursements of business expenses should be
made as soon as possible, such claims must be accompanied by VAT receipts. Original receipts should
be attached to the claim (i.e. credit card receipts are not acceptable). VAT receipts are expected for
all expenditure.
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