Page 15 - Heaney Brothers draft employee handbookV2 with new logo
P. 15
• Have anyone else call in on your behalf. You personally need to make contact with a MANAGER
rather than a friend/girlfriend/boyfriend/mother etc.
Please note that if you are absent for more than 6 days the Social Welfare entitlements for the period
that you are absent will be deducted from your salary at the next and subsequent payrolls.
2.12.2 Punctuality
You are expected to be at your workstation at your agreed start time. If you arrive late, you must
report to a MANAGER before starting work.
2.12.3 Doctor/Dentist Appointment
If, for reasons such as a doctor's/dentist's appointment, you need to request time off, you must agree
the time in advance, with a MANAGER so that he/she can arrange the necessary cover. Such time off
is at your own expense. Where possible, appointments should be made outside your normal working
2.12.4 Sickness Whilst at Work
If you fall ill at work, you should get authorisation from a MANAGER to leave work.
2.12.5 Absence due to Sickness
In the case of absence due to sickness, you must also advise a MANAGER of the nature of your illness
and your expected date of return.
Before returning to work from sickness absence, you may be required to provide a doctor’s certificate
stating that it is safe for you to do so. The company may, at any time, require an employee to submit
to a medical examination by a doctor nominated by the company regardless of the length of absence.
2.12.6 Medical Certificates
If you are absent from work due to sickness on the third working day of absence, you must submit a
medical certificate to a MANAGER so that it is received on or before the fourth day of absence. Where
this is not possible, you must contact him or her to explain the reason. All medical certificates must
state the nature and expected duration of your illness.
In the case of illness, you must telephone a MANAGER every Monday, advising that the absence is
going to continue. Medical certificates must also be submitted on a weekly basis.
Note: Any misrepresentation on medical certificates may lead to instigation of disciplinary
2.12.7 Illness while on holiday leave
If an employee should fall ill while on holiday you should inform a MANAGER. The Company will treat
the holiday leave as sick leave, if medical certification is provided.
2.12.8 Absence adjacent to holiday leave
If an employee should fall ill adjacent to approved holiday leave it is at the company's discretion to
withdraw approval for that holiday leave. Should approval be withdrawn a MANAGER will inform you
of this.
2.12.9 Referral to the Company Doctor
The Company will be entitled, at its expense, to require you to be examined by an independent
medical practitioner of the Company's choice at any time (whether or not you are absent by reason
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