Page 3 - Workplace Relations Guide to Employment Law
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Updates to Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law
         Since we published our Guide to Employment, Labour and Equality Law in September 2018
         there have been changes under employment law.  Below your will find the latest changes.

         Starting Employment                Working Hours
         Day five statement                 Zero Hours
         Within  five  days  of  starting  work,  all   The  Organisation  of  Working  Time  Act
         employees must get a written statement of   1997 (OWTA) is amended to prohibit zero
         the following core terms of employment:  hour  contracts  except  in  the  following
         1.   the  full  names  of  the  employer  and   •   where the work is of a casual nature
             the employee                   •   where the work is done in emergency
         2.   the address of the employer       circumstances
         3.   the expected duration of the contract,   •   where short-term relief work is used
             in the case of a temporary contract, or   to  cover  routine  absences  for  the
             the end date if the contract is a fixed-  employer
             term contract
         4.   the rate or method of calculation of   Minimum  payment  in  certain
             the employee’s pay             circumstances
         5.   the  number  of  hours  the  employer
             reasonably  expects  the  employee  to   A new minimum payment will apply when
             work per normal working day and per   an employee on a zero hours contract, is
             normal working week            called in to work and does not receive the
                                            expected hours of work.
         This is as well as the full written statement    The  minimum  payment  is  calculated  as
         of  terms  of  employment  which  must  be   three times the national minimum hourly
         given  within  two  months  of  starting  the   rate  of  pay  or  three  times  the  minimum
         job.                               hourly rate of pay set out in an Employment
                                            Regulation  Order  (if  one  exists  for  that
         National Minimum Wages             sector  and  for  as  long  as  it  remains  in
         Pay/Wages                          force).
         Under the new Employment Miscellaneous
         Provisions  Act  2019  wage  rates  for   The  already  existing  method  of  payment
         employees  under  18  and  those  over  18   (at least 25% of the contract hours or 15
         have  been  simplified  and  will  be  solely   hours) continues to apply overall.
         based  on  age.  Trainee  rates  of  pay  have
         been abolished.                    Banded Hours provisions

         Sectoral Employment Order          •   Employees   whose   contract   of
                                                employment  or  statement  of  terms
                                                of  employment  does  not  reflect  the
         A Sectoral Employment Order (SEO) setting   reality  of  the  hours  they  habitually
         legally binding rates of pay and terms and   work  are  entitled  to  request  to  be
         conditions  for  the  Electrical  Contracting   placed in a band of hours that better
         sector came into effect on the 1 September   reflects  the  hours  they  have  worked
         2019.                                  over a 12-month reference period.
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