Page 10 - Powercomm Employee Handbook v1 July 2019
P. 10


               The purpose of the handbook is to provide you with some information on a range of subjects related
               to the Company and to your employment. It is not intended to be the sole resource on these issues,
               rather it sets out the key aspects of terms and conditions and employment policies and procedures.
               Clarification on any issue should be sought from a MANAGER.

               This handbook should be read in conjunction with your Contract of Employment as both documents
               constitute your employment contract.


                              The presence of this icon in the employee handbook denotes a
                              section where you are asked to think of a real life or hypothetical

                              situation or scenario linked to the topic being discussed.

               For the sake of convenience POWERCOMM GROUP are referred to throughout as ‘the Company’ or
               ‘POWERCOMM GROUP’ and its Director(s) are referred to as ‘the Company Directors’.

                           This is a confidential document for POWERCOMM GROUP employees only.

               1.2 ABOUT POWERCOMM GROUP

               The Company strives to provide exceptional levels of personal customer service and the highest
               professional and quality standards. We pride ourselves on our levels of flexibility and personal
               service afforded to our clients. Powercomm is utterly client focused. Success means client
               satisfaction through delivering quality projects in a safe risk-free manner.

               We aim to be a world-class provider in the safe delivery of innovatively engineered project solutions
               that exceed our clients’ expectations.

               Our idea of safety is that it is everyone’s responsibility. We invest every day in safety, and this has
               resulted in a dynamic live approach to safety which features the continuous development of
               improved work practices and procedures; safety inspections and focused themed safety campaigns.
               We have a “no blame” safety culture to promote and encourage enhanced learning.

               We aim for “Zero Incidents”, which ensures our entire workforce has safety on their minds at all

               We are committed to the long-term growth of the Company through meeting our customer’s needs.
               We value all employees within the Company, and endeavour to create a safe and positive
               environment where all are treated with dignity and equality. We acknowledge the need for flexibility
               with our operations dictated by the ever-changing economy and other political, legal and
               environmental conditions. We believe that all our employees, as ambassadors of the Company,
               should be honest, trustworthy and loyal and embrace being an integral part of a growing team and
               company. The way our group conducts its business and how our employees represent the group is
               imperative to everything we stand

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