Page 35 - Powercomm Employee Handbook v1 July 2019
P. 35

3.6.1 POWERCOMM GROUP. Code of Conduct

               The following outlines the expectations and requirements the employer places on its employees. For
               their part, the employer will treat all employees with courtesy and respect.

               Employees shall:
                   •  Recognise at all times that they represent the client and should do so in a calm, courteous and
                       transparent manner.
                   •  Be required to maintain proper standards of appearance while on duty.
                   •  Complete the required tasks promptly, and diligently, unless there is due and sufficient reason
                       not to.
                   •  Remain at their place of work at all times unless permission to leave is granted or there is
                       sufficient cause.
                   •  Ensure that all oral or written statements made by them of whatever description are true,
                       legible and accurate.
                   •  Maintain  carefully  all  documents  and  ensure  that  any  alterations,  disposal  or  erasure  of
                       documents is carried out only with proper authorisation and signature.
                   •  Maintain confidentiality on any matter relating to the employer or its clients, either past or
                   •  Maintain a high level of personal integrity and be scrupulous in accounting for all property
                       received in connection with the employer’s business.
                   •  Extend  courtesy  to  persons  encountered  in  the  course  of  their  work,  ensuring  that  any
                       exercise of authority, is only that required in connection with the employer’s business.
                   •  Ensure that any actions taken by them are such as not to bring discredit or doubt on the
                       employer, the client or fellow employees.
                   •  Wear the employer’s uniform if required and use his equipment and identification only with
                       the employer’s authority.
                   •  Ensure that they are not under the influence of or consume alcohol or restricted drugs whilst
                       at work.
                   •  Immediately notify any conviction for a criminal offence to the employer.
                   •  Not allow unauthorised access to the employer’s premises
                   •  Ensure that they use the employer’s equipment or facilities only with authorisation.

               In addition to the Code of Conduct, employees should adhere to the following guidelines:

                   •  When  engaging  clients,  their  employees  and  associated  contractors  a  respectful  and
                       professional tone should be maintained at all times. Shouting and foul or abusive language
                       are to be avoided.
                   •  Employees  must  encourage  and  support  new  and  younger  employees,  in  particular
                       apprentices who have recently joined the organisation.
                   •  Employees  are  expected  to  work  and  interact  with  all  employees  of  the  company  in  a
                       harmonious and cooperative manner.
                   •  Employees must comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the individual and the
                       company in the conduct of the company's business and carry out duties in accordance with
                       the safety statement and method statements.
                   •  Employees should not use company property, services, or any information they obtain on the
                       job, which is not readily available to the general public, for personal gain and may not possess,
                       remove or dispose of company materials, supplies or equipment without proper authority.
                   •  Employees may not accept or give any form of gratuity, which would tend to influence, or give
                       the appearance of influencing, their judgment or the judgment of others in the performance

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