Page 74 - Visage Hair Employee Handbook.REV.1
P. 74
Fuel card misuse
If there is any suspected misuse of the Fuel Cards, identified either from the quarterly logs or
otherwise, the Company may need to refer the matter to the Gardai for a possible prosecution
and/or recovery of any debt due to the Company.
There may also be an internal investigation which could result in disciplinary action which may result
in the termination of employment.
Lost/stolen fuel cards
If a vehicle-specific Fuel Card is lost or has been stolen, you must inform your Manager as soon as
possible. Please give details of the type of card you have lost/had stolen, as well as your name and
vehicle registration number. The provider of the Fuel Card scheme will be notified so that the card
can be cancelled.
The lost/stolen card will be cancelled and a replacement Fuel Card will be issued.
Termination of employment
For employees who are leaving the Company, you must inform your Manager. The Fuel Card will be
cancelled, so that it can no longer be used.
If your Fuel Card is no longer required, you must inform your Manager so that the card can be
cancelled. If you still possess the card, the card should be destroyed.
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