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 Publications                                                                                           Measuring
 Laser range meter PD-I  Laser measurer PD-CS

                                              Key applications and advantages    Technical data
                                              ■  Clear documentation of measurements   Accuracy  ±1 mm
 Key applications and advantages  Technical data  while making a quotation to win a job,
 ■  Measuring quickly and safely in places   Accuracy  ±1 mm  or for purchasing materials  Laser class  <1 mW, 635 nm, Class
                                                                                                 2 (IEC 60825-1:2007),
 where access is difficult                    ■  Preparing documentation of quali-               Class II (FDA CFR 21
 Laser class  <1 mW, 635 nm, Class
 ■  Checking parallels and offsets using the   2 (IEC 60825-1:2007),   ty checks to ensure work was fully   art. 1040)
 min/max function  Class II (FDA CFR 21          completed to specification or for listing   IP protection class  IP 54 (IEC 529)
 art. 1040)
 ■  Determining the surface area of walls,       faults that need to be fixed    Dimensions      154 x 75 x 24 mm
 ceilings and floors for painting etc.  IP protection class  IP 65 (EN 60529)  ■  Checking a repeated series of measure-  (LxWxH)
 ■  Built-in 360° tilt sensor for various appli-  Dimensions   129 x 60 x 28 mm  ments requiring many measurements,   Weight with   262 g
 cation possibilities  (LxWxH)                   such as formwork heights or railings  batteries
 ■  LEDs provide clear identification of   Weight with   165 g  ■  Position the laser point outdoors easily   Operating tempera-  -15 - 50 °C
 the measuring reference and thus help   batteries  with camera targeting        ture range
 avoid errors  Operating tempera-  -10 - 50 °C  ■  Save thousands of measuring results   Operating time with  10 h
 ture range                                      with 8 GB built-in memory       alkaline battery
 Operating time with  5000 measurements                                          Data memory     Internal flash memory
 alkaline battery
                                                                                 Calculation     Area, Volume, Trapezoid
 Measuring range  0 m  -  100 m
                                                                                 functions       (2x), Pythagoras (3x),
 Data memory  Last 30 measurements                                                               Indirect measurement
 / calculation results with                                                                      (4x), Addition, Subtrac-
 graphics                                                                                        tion, Offset, Timer, min/
 Calculation   Addition, Subtraction,
 functions  Area, Volume, Painters                                               Measuring       Single and continuous
 area, Setting out, min/                                                         functions       measurement
 max, Timer, Offset,
 Memory (30x), Trape-  Ordering designation Package contents                                 Sales pack   Item number
 zoid (2x), Pythagoras                                                                       quantity
 (3x), Indirect measure-  PD-CS   1x Laser range meter PD-CS, 1x Hand strap, 1x Power supply unit USB Level VI, 1x Case, 1x Toolbag   1 pc  2102498
 ment (3x)              PD-C
 Ordering designation  Package contents  Sales pack   Item number
 PD-I   1x Laser range meter PD-I, 1x Battery AAA (2) alkaline, 1x Hand strap, 1x Toolbag PDA 65  1 pc  2061407

 Laser range meter PD-E  Accessories for Laser Range Meters
                                                                                  PD 5  PD-E  PD-I  PD-  CS
 Key applications and advantages  Technical data  Ordering designation                          Sales pack   Item number
 ■  Measuring quickly and safely in places   Accuracy  ±1 mm
           Toolbag PDA 605                                                                     1 pc       2004840
 where access is difficult
 Laser class  <1 mW, 635 nm, Class
 ■  Measuring surface areas for quotations   2 (IEC 60825-1:2007),   Laser visibility glasses PP EY-GU R red        1 pc  2065448
 in renovation work  Class II (FDA CFR 21   Lens: PC material, thickness 2.1 mm, Supravision HC-AF coating, filter: 2C-1.2, impact ener-
 art. 1040)
 ■  Determining the length or height of ob-  gy: 45m/s, surface resistance to fine particles: K, antifog: N
 jects that cannot be directly accessed   IP protection class  IP 65 (EN 60529)  Measuring extension PDA 72        1 pc  2062052
 (remote measurement)  Extension for convenient measuring from floors to ceilings and in difficult-to-reach locations
 Dimensions   129 x 60 x 28 mm
 ■  Measures up to 200 m even under the   (LxWxH)
 toughest outdoor conditions
 Weight with   165 g
 ■  The outdoor display can be read even in   batteries
 very bright sunlight  Target plate PDA 50                                                   1 pc        282388
 Operating tempera-  -10 - 50 °C
           Increases measuring range over long distances and in unfavourable lighting conditions
 ture range  Dimensions: 130 x 120 mm, black
 Operating time with  5000 measurements
 alkaline battery
 Measuring range  0 m  -  200 m  Toolbag PDA 65                                               1 pc        226877
 Data memory  Last 30 measurements
 / calculation results with
 Calculation   Addition, Subtraction,
 functions  Area, Volume, Painters
 area, Setting out, min/
 max, Timer, Offset,
 Memory (30x), Trape-
 zoid (2x), Pythagoras
 (3x), Indirect measure-
 ment (4x)
 Ordering designation  Package contents  Sales pack   Item number
 PD-E   1x Laser range meter PD-E, 1x Battery AAA (2) alkaline, 1x Hand strap, 1x Toolbag PDA 65  1 pc  2062050

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