Page 33 - November 2023 News On 7
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                      Join Today    Madoc’s Holiday Pop Up Shop
                     613 473 1616   This Madoc & District Chamber of Commerce is kicking off their first annual Holiday Pop Up
                                    Shop.    This  year  we  will  be  located  at  36  Durham  St.  next  door  to  the  dollar  store  from
                                    November 17th to December 16th.  The shop will be open on Friday evenings 4pm to 7pm and
                                    on Saturdays from 10am to 4pm.

     It's almost time to start getting ready for Christmas Shopping, Community Events and Christmas. Have you have to start
     thinking about your marketing. Besides being the most wonderful time of the year, the Christmas season is a profitable time
     of the year. I like to share with you one of the best ways you can boost your holiday sales and that is by making changes to
     the ways in which you're marketing your business to customers and prospects alike.  Here are three ways you can bring in
     more business over the holidays, all while pleasing your customers and delivering a wonderful experience that will keep
     them coming back for more.
     Establish your Black Friday marketing early.
     First, plan ahead. Take some time to brainstorm and come up with a marketing campaign. Figure out the price slashes, special
     offers and outlets that you're going to offer and decide on which channels to advertise (social media, website, print, etc.). Next,
     work with your graphic artist or use a handy tool like Canva to get your artwork ready. Make sure all of the information on the
     banners is correct. You don't want a misunderstanding on Black Friday.
     Combine sales and charity.
     This time of the year is focused around giving to those who are less fortunate. You'll often see businesses partner with big-name
     charities around Christmas to help kids who don't have the means to celebrate the holidays due to a variety of circumstances,
     veterans who were abandoned after their service or people who are terminally ill and can use a little kindness in their life.
     These businesses often see increased sales as a result of their good deeds.
     Get festive.
     The holidays are a great time to add new festive photos to your website to get people excited about the season and your special
     offers. You can find great free stock photos on sites like Unsplash. You can also add a countdown timer to let people know when
     your amazing deals start.

     Don't  forget  to  plan  ahead  for  your  email  marketing.  Use  creative  subject  lines  or  festive  emojis  in  the  subject  line  to
     increase open rates. Customize and personalize your emails so your recipient feels special this holiday season.
     The holidays are an important time of year to everyone. There's a good chance that people who shop with you over the
     holidays will stick around if you offer them a quality service or product that they can feel good about. You may have to do
     some tweaking every year, but you can use these methods to develop a strong marketing campaign and ring in the New Year
     with happy customers and a fantastic profit margin.

     Article written by: Shari Pearce, SDP COMMUNICATIONS

                                                                      Local Representative
                                                                          Cameron Wade
                                                                           705 868 8160
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