Page 11 - September 2022 News On 7
P. 11

                  BY REV. TRACY B RICHARDS

                  "But I am among you as one who serves"  ~ Luke 22:27

     Well, the news is out and you may have heard that I have thrown my hat in the ring to run for Council in Centre Hastings! As
     I prepare for the next two months of “campaigning”, I’m looking forward to connecting with my community and learning
     more about what matters most to you.
     Those of you who read my monthly articles in the News on 7 know that my faith guides me in everything I do. With that,
     comes my commitment to values of morality, integrity, truth, and standing up for what is right. This doesn’t mean that I’m
     perfect or the “best” person to vote for, it simply means that you can trust that I will set the highest standards for myself and
     do my best to serve my community by doing what is right, according to biblical principles.
     As one of the new people in the area, I know there will be a lot of questions about who I am and why I’ve decided to run and
     it’s  been  a  really  interesting  exercise  figuring  out  what  my  campaign  message  will  be.  It’s  given  me  an  opportunity  to
     examine my heart and my motives for doing this and I’m grateful for the insights and clarity that have come as a result. What
     I’ve learned is that, whether I end up being elected to council or not, my commitment to my community will be the same and
     I will happily continue to serve in whatever capacity the Lord calls me to.
     In the meantime, though, I’m excited to have more opportunities to get to know you personally and I’ll start by sharing a bit
     of my background and what motivated me to run for Council.
     Whenever people have asked me what brought me to this decision, there are a couple of things that come to mind.

     Firstly,  getting  involved  in  my  community  has  always  come  naturally  to  me.  As  a  child,  I  participated  in  many  youth
     organizations and was a leader and organizer of groups in camp and at school. During middle school and high school, I
     participated  in  various  community  programs,  was  elected  as  a  class  representative,  and  chaired  several  student  council
     Looking back, I think my motivation has always come from a genuine caring for people, loyalty toward my community, and a
     desire to always leave things a bit better than I found them.
     During these early experiences, I learned the value of being a good listener and developed a great respect for the power of
     collaboration.  As  a  result,  I  became  passionate  about  getting  involved  and  doing  my  part  in  every  environment  I  found
     myself in.
      The second reason I decided to run for Council is related to the ‘wake-up call’ many of us have experienced over the past
     two years. I don't know about you, but the world I grew up in is becoming more and more unrecognizable, and while I am all
     for progress and sustainable growth, I am very concerned about how degraded our society has become. One of the reasons I
     decided to leave the city is because of its obsession with doing, being, and having “more”. It has become void of values,
     morality,  and  conscience,  as  people  seem  to  be  incapable  of  prioritizing  what  really  matters.  They  complain  about  the
     injustices of the world but are reluctant to get involved because they “just don't have the time”. So, part of my “why” for
     running for Council is that I don’t want to be a hypocrite. I know I have a lot to learn and it will be challenging at times, but I
     want to be able to sleep at night knowing that I am doing what I can to make a difference.

     So, in a nutshell, getting involved is just who I am and when I get involved, I tend to go “all in”.
     Now that I have made Centre Hastings my home, I want to make a sincere investment in this community and, given my skills
     and unique perspective, serving as a Council member is the best way I can think of to do that.
     I hope you’ll continue to follow along on this journey and if you feel led to support me in my campaign, I would be very
     grateful for any help you can offer. There are volunteer opportunities available in every capacity so please feel free to reach
     out and let me know how you would like to help :)

     My campaign email is
     The campaign website is

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