Page 14 - News On 7 January 2022
P. 14


                                                                            NORTHBROOK SENIORS AT LIONS CLUB
     Madoc  Lions  joined  in  to  help
     Emma  and  Andrew  who  were
     collecting  food  and  other  items
     for  the  Grace  Inn  Homeless
     Shelter in Belleville.
     Lion Tom started with a personal
     donation of McDonalds gift cards.
     Madoc  Lions  sent  what  was  left
     over  from  the  Christmas  Dinner
     Event.    Potatoes,  Turkey,  Gravy,
     Cranberry Sauce, Butter, Ham.
                                        These  two  kids  Emma  and
                                        Andrews  with  the  support  of
                                        their parents Jamie and Mark
                                        raised $1,640 and 40 boxes of
                                        clothes,  boxes  of  food  and
                                        many other items .
                                        Way to go Emma and Andrew.
                                        Maybe  up  and  coming  Lions
                                        Club Members

                                                                    MADOC LIONS CLUB
                                                                    Congratulations to the Madoc
     Madoc Lions Club                                               Lions    Shopping      Spree
     Roxborough  Bus  Lines  continue  giving  back  to  the        Winners.
     community. Madoc Lions Club and Roxborough Bus Lines           1st prize Megan Mitchell $500
     have  partnered  to  replenish  the  local  schools  "Healthy  voucher
     Snack Program" in 2022.                                        2nd  prize  Angie  Smith  $300
     Lion Pam accepts the contribution from Owner-President         voucher
     of  Roxborough  Bus  Lines  Nick  McCrae  and  Madoc           3rd  prize  Joe  &  Laurie  Cary
     Operations Manager Dan Reid.                                   $200 voucher
                 Together we can make a difference.
                                                                    Big Thank you to all who purchased tickets that allows
                                                                    us  to  do  our  Annual  Free  Christmas  Day  Take  Out
                                                                    Dinner.  We  now  have  over  100  registered  to  receive
                                                                    As  well  thank  you  to  Foodland  Cashiers,  especially  to
                                                                    Morgan, Chantelle and Casey top sellers.
                                                                    Thanks to Team Hair (Arlene Martin),  Ivanhoe  Cheese,
                                                                    Hidden Goldmine-Bakery, for selling tickets.
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