Page 7 - HLA-CC Global Partnership
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HLA-CC Partnership Benefits
Offering services to Global CC families to assist in meeting legal requirements for homeschooling in various countries.
Direct access to our Global Team to assist in developing relationships in current and new countries.
Discounts for Global CC families choosing to register with HLA individually or by establishing a group.
Email blasts from HLA to our Global families about Classical Conversations options for them in their countries.
Landing page for CC Global.
Classical Conversations included on our website as a recommended curriculum/program.
Options to be listed as a Special Partner on our website. Our published partnerships offer discounts to our families. We understand that discounts are not something CC is setup to offer. However, it is important to us that our partnerships benefit our HLA families. We would love to discuss ways that we could partner with Classical Conversations to promote the wonderful programs that you offer while giving your CC families information about HLA and the services we offer. We work closely with many CC families and would love to see that expand. Email swaps may be a good way to make
this happen. We are open to further discussions.