Page 14 - Facilities Highlights 2020
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J&J Ireland 4-year multi-site energy management strategy to Reduce Energy Usage and Increase Renewable
The J&J Campus Ireland Energy Team is responsible for continual energy performance improvement across all sites in Ireland. J&J Campus Ireland’s Energy Team completed 80+ energy projects from 2017-2020 and transitioned to ISO50001:2018. The team developed and
implemented an ambitious 4-year multi-site energy management strategy to address the significant expansion of J&J operations in Ireland in recent years and mitigate the resulting impact on energy consumption and carbon emissions. The strategy was implemented using a three-pillar approach:
  Campus Ireland has implemented multiple energy efficiency projects resulting in an annualized energy savings of 43GWh.
Projects include: chiller and HVAC optimization, AHU EC fan upgrades, steam and condensate optimization, compressed air optimization and leak detection, waste plastics program, LED upgrades, and LEED and Exeed certifications.
 4 3MW Wind Turbines
in Cork and Limerick, generating
30GWh / year
3 Combined Heat and Power (CHP) units, generating 7GWhe and 8GWht / year
667-panel Roof-mounted Solar PV, generating
0.2GWh / year
Onsite Renewable Energy Generation
Campus Ireland generates its own renewable, energy onsite through:

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