Page 49 - FOP August 2021
P. 49

Officers don’t forget Brian Strouse
 Officers from all districts were in atten- dance June 30 to pay an emotional trib- ute to fallen officer Brian Strouse, who was shot and killed in the line of duty 20 years earlier. The ceremony took place at West 18th Place and South Loomis, where Strouse was murdered.
At the time of the murder, Strouse and two other officers were conducting sur- veillance on gang activity as plainclothes tactical officers. At around 2 a.m., Hector Delgado, 16, was working “security” for the Ambrose Nation Street Gang when he confronted Strouse in a nearby alley. Strouse ordered Delgado to drop his gun, to which Delgado responded with gun- fire.
Once shots were fired, the two of- ficers raced to the scene, only to dis- cover Strouse lying on the ground with gunshot wounds to the chest and head. Strouse was immediately transported to the nearest hospital, where he was pro- nounced dead seven hours later.
“It’s been 20 years since Brian’s life had been taken from him facing pure evil. It’s been 20 years since this tragedy has come across the Strouse family. It’s been 20 years since his example of courage
and love has been inspiring the newest recruits to hold up his picture when they hear his name called out at the St. Jude March,” proclaimed Chicago Police De- partment Chaplain Bob Montelongo.
On September 17, 2003, Delgado was sentenced to life in prison on a first-de- gree murder charge.
Strouse had served the Chicago PD for six years and was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran. During his illustrious career, Strouse received over 60 commenda- tions. Strouse is survived by his parents and his three sisters, one of whom serves
in the Chicago PD.
“When you look at Brian’s life, you
discover someone who devoted himself completely to others and his family. A small part of every Chicagoan died the night Brian Strouse was murdered. We did not just lose an exceptional police officer, we lost a remarkable person, one who made a positive difference every day of his life. Brian, we will never forget you or your family,” declared Director of Op- erations for the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation Joseph Salemme.
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