Page 50 - November 2021
P. 50
CPD officers spread the knowledge on domestic violence
9th District community policing officers wanted to host an awareness event where families could have fun while learning about domestic violence. With the help of their subcommittee, including Metropolitan Family Services and Allied Health Sys- tems and a partnership with Bishop Shepherd Little, officers ac- quired free tickets to the Brookfield Zoo on Oct. 11.
“We thought it would be nice to have a couple of events to get our subcommittee together and raise awareness,” said Jason Sollis, 9th District community policing officer. “We wanted to let the community members know about some of the services that different community partners provide.”
Domestic Violence Officer James McAndrew organized a pic- nic, including hot dogs, chips and beverages, while distributing
resources to familiarize residents with domestic violence issues. Sollis says an increase in domestic violence awareness might mean a decrease in calls regarding violence.
“Stopping the cycle of domestic violence is important,” said Sollis. “It relates to a whole lot of other violence and other calls that we might receive.”
Chicago Police Officers from many districts conducted a considerable number of events to inform community mem- bers about Domestic Violence Awareness Month, from holding marches with survivors, to tying purple ribbons in a show of support, to setting up resource tables for community members.
Here is a look at Domestic Violence Awareness Month with the CPD:
1st District officers began Domes- tic Violence Awareness Month on Oct. 6 with a resource table with candy, bracelets and pamphlets available to members and resi- dents in the community.
2nd District officers marched with the community on Oct. 2, escorted by a police car, to help raise aware- ness in ending domestic violence.
3rd District officers set up an informa- tive display with resources available to the community on Oct. 6. Their table was marked by a purple ribbon, a sym- bol of standing against domestic vio- lence. Officers encouraged members of the community to speak up if they or someone they know is experiencing domestic violence.
11th District officers gathered to provide resources and informa- tion to the community, giving a message of encouragement to stand together on Oct. 20.
8th District officers displayed a resource table on Oct. 16 in West Lawn Park. To- gether with communi- ty members, they tied purple ribbons around trees in remembrance of those who have lost their lives, to hon- or survivors and to thank those who have helped end the cycle of violence.
5th District officers partnered with the Open Arms Foun- dation on Oct. 23 to host a Mothers Loving Mothers celebration lun- cheon. Many moth- ers and women of the community gathered in solidar- ity for those who have been affected by domestic abuse.
3rd District
1st District
11th District
5th District
2nd District
8th District