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Officers, I hope you are well and your families are healthy. If you are not expecting any visitors or any deliveries and someone is knocking at your door, don’t open it. If The FBI shows up at your door and asks to speak with you, do not open the door. Ask them for their business card and let them know that you will speak with them after you get in contact with your lawyer.
It seems that the FBI has been stopping by FOP members’ homes and asking them to give state- ments about dealings they have had with the public. Don’t an- swer any questions, be polite, take their business cards and tell him to have a great day and that your lawyer will be contacting
them later.
We are currently in a position where we can help ourselves as
an organization and help our city by becoming a political pow- erhouse. Pat O’Brien is running for states attorney. We need our members to sign up to the website and help dis- tribute literature, make phone calls, send texts, knock on doors or put up signs. Pat O’Brien is the man that we are backing in the race against Kim Foxx for Cook County states attorney. We have given this man a substantial amount of monetary support to try and make this happen, but we need our members to participate and help our cause. It’s time to step up and be part of something greater than ourselves. Reach out to family and friends and let
them know how important this election is.
Remember, if you get notified to go down to IAD or COPA and
are being asked to give a witness statement, you must retain an attorney. There is no such thing as just a witness statement, be- cause as we all know, today’s witness is tomorrow’s accused. Do not fall into this trap and believe that either of these investigat- ing entities is your friend.
Remember, it is your obligation to check your department emails on a daily basis and look for any notifications such as court info or witness or accused statements with either IAD or COPA. The working conditions that our members have been exposed to are horrendous. Long hours, days off canceled, time away from family and loved ones. If you are feeling over- whelmed and feel you are not able to cope with life and every- thing that’s being thrown at you, please reach out to someone. If you need someone to talk to or someone to listen please call me or someone else at the FOP Lodge. If you don’t feel comfortable with that, call EAP. If you know that one of your partners is going through a hard time, reach out to him or her. You are not alone, and asking for help is not a weakness. We are only human and sometimes we just need someone to lean on.
Remember, no lawyer, no statement. Be safe and stay healthy.
ThirdVice President’s Report
Some friendly caveats
  Your Lives Matter!
We’re here to listen when you need to destress from the job
  Meeko, the therapy dog at BRAVE Police & Public Safety Wellness Center
Visit the BRAVE Police & Public Safety Wellness Center
6323 N. Avondale Avenue, #111B, Chicago, IL 60631 847-778-9322 • •
Meeko is keeping office hours with Dr. Robin Kroll
Board Certified Police and Public Safety Psychologist specializing in...
• Stress Management Training
• Critical Incident Group & Exposure Program
• P.A.D. (Police-Addiction-Depression) Dual Diagnosis Group
• Day programs for addiction and trauma for first responders
• Individual & Family Therapy • Seminars & Workshops
$20 per session (packages available) Register at or Eventbrite

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