Page 13 - 01A_CL7_OCT20.indd
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Recording Secretary’s Report
We wouldn’t be here if not for them
It is an honor to be your recording secretary. I will always work hard and tirelessly for the membership.
I want to say thank you to Greg Bella. He has been a mentor and fraternal brother to me even before my transition to recording secretary. I will continue to ask Greg follow-up questions and will solicit his ideas on ways to improve this office. Greg’s advice, guid- ance and work ethic have moved Lodge 7 into the best direction possible. Thank you, Greg, for all your years of service to Lodge 7.
I also had the honor of being sworn in to this posi- tion by John Dineen. John Dineen is one of our founding fathers here at FOP. He is a former Lodge 7 President, and is also a for- mer National FOP President. His name is on our founding Lodge document from 1963 that is framed in our hall. I am a big fan of history. So, to be sworn in by John Dineen was a great honor and experience.
The history of our Lodge takes us on a long journey from low wages and a fraternal Lodge to its present status as a large la- bor organization with a multitude of services for members. This transformation happened throughout four decades, with John Dineen and other Lodge members collectively bargaining over many negotiations and arbitrations.
This hard work and dedication will continue to happen with our current Lodge 7 leadership and our rights will be preserved. John Dineen, Greg Bella and many others set the path to improve our membership’s work and family life. We cannot and will not
From left, John Dineen, Greg Bella and Rob Noceda.
forget those who built our great union. Our history is important and so is our future. Please, remember to take care of yourself, your families and each other.
Stay alert and safe. If you have a question, email rnoceda@chi-