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  from the national executive board, but from the entire member- ship. Yoes said he could not recall a time when the entire mem- bership of the largest rank-and-file police organization in the country had been unanimously united for anything. Until now.
So when the president came to the part of his address when he began praising the FOP, he called Yoes up to the podium. He had 90 seconds to present the endorsement, and he crescen- doed his remarks by giving a directive to the president.
“Together, we’re going to make America safe again,” Yoes pro- claimed.
Heading to the rally, Gorman and Flores set a whimsical wager about whether the president would mention Chicago in his ad- dress. And how many times. He has developed a deep affection for Chicago Police Officers since that 2016 campaign event at the UIC Pavilion when supporters who attended had their cars vandalized. The president witnessed the dedication of Chicago’s finest up close.
So don’t bet against Trump’s appreciation for the Chicago po- lice. And if Gorman and Flores had set an over/under on how many times he would mention Chicago, bet the over.
When the president announced there wasn’t enough time to talk about all the police endorsements he has received, he did recognize the one that came from the Chicago FOP. When he an- nounced that he loves and respects the jobs that cops do and that he will always stand with law enforcement, Trump added a line that seemed to be directed toward City Hall.
“We have these great police in Chicago,” he declared. “Let them do their jobs.”
The Chicago and Chicago FOP shout-outs form the president buzzed through the Lodge 7 leaders as they exited the rally a little soaked from the rain but not wilted. Perhaps that’s the power of
Front row from left, National FOP President Pat Yoes, National Vice Presi- dent Joe Gamaldi and National Secretary Jimmy Holderfield with Lodge 7 leaders.
almost eight hours of exposure to making America great again. Gorman recognized the president’s acknowledgment of Chi- cago and Lodge 7 in his stoic way that makes him so impactful. “That was pretty cool,” he said. Noceda called it “huge.” Flores marked Trump’s remarks with an overwhelming stamp of ap-
“Promises made, promises kept. He’s a man of his word,”
Flores added. “And the fact that he does recognize Chicago and our union, he’s an ally.”
The president concluded his speech and “YMCA” cranked through the speakers. Before heading back to Air Force One, he turned to where National FOP members were seated and gave them a salute. He then danced a little, apparently unfettered by the effects of COVID-19 that had already begun to hit.
Nobody wanted to leave, and it took more than an hour for some to vacate the premises. As Catanzara predicted, the night was truly memorable with a back-the-blue rally unlike any other.
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