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er in the academy not only because of their bright personalities and comical banter but because they had decided to join the Department later in life. They all left higher-paying professions to become coppers.
Since 2001, they had made it their annual tradition to gather on March 26 at a restaurant of Jim’s choice to celebrate their an- niversary, and then again on Dec. 15 for Christmas dinner. And then Jim suddenly became sick one night in early December.
“I remember standing in the hospital,” Poulos recounted. “And all I kept saying to him was, ‘Hey, we’ve got our dinner coming up on the 15th. Get your butt out of this hospital.’ And then while I’m at his wake with our core group of guys, it wasn’t lost on us that it was Dec. 15, and we were all together again at Jim’s wake rather than our dinner.”
Samantha and Poulos both recounted how passionate Svec was about his job because it was something he was proud of. Joining the Department was something he had always wanted to do. And he worked extremely hard to finish two years of col- lege in only six months, earning his associate degree at 38 years old.
“I think Jim’s legacy will be loyalty to his family, profession- alism to the Department and unwavering friendship to his friends,” Poulos added. “He was an earnest, true, humble, hilar- ious, quick-witted human being. He loved this job, and I hope that this job loves him back at the end.”
Svec has left a legacy of strength, empathy and kindness.
From left, Sydney, Chelsea and Samantha, Jim Svec’s daughters, whom his life revolved around.
“He lived every day like it was his last for the longest I can re- member,” his daughter Chelsea praised in her eulogy at his fu- neral. “The time we all spent together made it feel like we spent well beyond those years together. I know deep inside he did all he could on this Earth and made it his intention to touch every- one’s hearts. It was his purpose, and he far exceeded it.”
In Memoriam

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