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Chicago FOP Firearms Days
May 23-24 * FOP Hall, 1412 W. Washington Blvd., 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Get fired up for Firearms Days
Members can have their weapons cleaned, serviced and in- spected by experts – at no cost – as part of Lodge 7’s annual Firearms Days.
In addition to the detailed cleaning, vendors from Beretta, Sig Arms and Smith & Wesson will be on hand to do a field strip and complete breakdowns to look for the minute flaws or damage in need of repairs that most people wouldn’t notice, according to Lodge 7 Third Vice President Jay Ryan.
“Most members will definitely come in and get it cleaned, es- pecially coming out of the winter months,” Ryan said, referring to how the weather can impact a weapon’s performance.
A few rules apply for anyone interested in taking part in the event. Each member is limited to three weapons, with no rifles allowed. To aid in keeping things moving, members are asked to unload their firearms before arriving at the FOP Hall, Ryan explained.
Ryan pointed out that whether the weapon has been used recently or not, regular maintenance is important to give an officer confidence that it will work properly the moment it is needed.
Aside from the main attraction of cleaning and inspections,
members can also visit with representatives from Boston Leather, Second Chance, American Body Armor, Galls Armor and other companies. Inspections of body armor, duty belts and other leather goods will be available, and members can talk about firearms insurance with a company that provides coverage which goes beyond traditional policies.
Ryan said it all comes together in a “worthwhile” event filled with free services and weapons education for members.
Firearms Days run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on May 23-24 at the FOP Lodge 7, 1412 W. Washington Blvd. For additional infor- mation, call 312-733-7776. d