Page 46 - February 2020 FOP Magazine
P. 46
Working with seniors in the 2nd District
When officers get to engage with se- nior populations, it’s sure to be a fulfill- ing time for all — and that is exactly how Officers Denise Gathings and Colleen Carcione see it. Working with seniors has always been a part of policing in the 2nd District, but when Gathings and Carci- one came on board with the group, they knew they wanted to do something dif- ferent.
“We wanted to get them involved, up and moving,” Gathings recalled enthu- siastically. So with a zest for activity and a passion for engagement, the women dove headfirst into creating events for the senior group Seniors N’ 2.
With their most recent planning ses- sion on Jan. 21, they mapped out the entire year of activities alongside input from the senior community. From sew- ing classes to teaching children old-fash- ioned recipes, powerhouse members Gathings and Carcione have ensured that Seniors N’ 2 has a busy year of activ- ities to look forward to.
The work begins now. In honor of Black History Month, the group will be
producing a play all about the power of influence.
“They will be doing everything,” shared Gathings ahead of the Feb. 25 show. “We’ll do Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman, and those seniors who are not going to be in the front will be on the buses and stuff like that, or backstage.”
Engaging with all demographics with- in the community is important, and Gathings and Carcione work hard to en-
sure that they provide a multitude of op- portunities for their senior population. With the events in Seniors N’ 2, what’s clear is that the 2nd District has a special care and appreciation for older members of their community. The work of cops giving back doesn’t have an expiration date; it follows all the way through the lives of all community members — and Gathings and Carcione make sure that happens every single day.