Page 33 - February 2016
P. 33
Lodge 7 can help out a fellow FOP member
Madison “Maddie” Shippy nearly collapsed walking off the soccer field following a match in October 2014.
For weeks before that, her parents grew increasingly worried when the 12-year-old often complained about “stomach pains” that seemed to be
coming from deep inside her
of March 1. The money is going to pay medical bills not covered by insurance and to offset travel costs for the two weeks that Officer Shippy, his wife, Tracie, and their three other children will need to be in Chicago.
“ Itw as oneof those thin gstha tw e
knew something just wasn’t right,”
said her father, Randy Shippy.
Doctors in Michigan ran countless
testsandst uc kherwithm ore than200
The MALS has also led to a second- ary and equally rare condition where fat designed to protect internal organs had been eaten way, Officer Shippy said. This second condition, called superior mesenteric artery syndrome or SMAs, is possible to treat through nutritional supplements. However, the family has been told additional surgery might be needed at the Uni- versity of Chicago.
needles for a year before diagnosing
Maddie Shippy, 12, of Sterling Heights, Michi-
her with a rare condition known as
gan, the daughter of a veteran police officer and Michigan FOP member, is scheduled for surgery at the University of Chicago Medical Center to treat a rare condition.
median arcuate ligament syndrome,
orMA LS,sa id S hippy,a45-year-old
based hospital has
one of
the few
veteran officer who works in suburban
teams in the country able to handle
Detroit and is a Michigan FOP mem-
ber. the surgery needed to correct her con-
Ma ddieSh ip pywas sche duled for dition, whichhasreachedacritical
surgery on March 10 at the University level, her father said.
of Chicago Medical Center to correct Chicago Lodge 7 members caught
wind of the fundraising effort set up by thecong en italc ondition in which a
“If they have to do the secondary
the Ship pyfam ily.Sup port ershave
key artery that supplies blood to her helped push the GoFundMe page past surgery, the best they’re telling us is
liver and digestive system is in the thatshe'dbethereformonths,”Randy
wrong place
and becomes its goal of $3,500 to nearly $10,000 as said. d
Support Maddie
FOP members can help Officer Shippy and his family with medical costs.
Visit maddiechicago to make a donation