Page 6 - February 2016
P. 6
event, civil disturbances.
The presentation that we prepared could not have been
delivered or received any better. We were not only fortunate to share our insight with a room full of some of the top law enforcement labor representatives in the country; we were repeatedly complimented on our data and input. The com- ments and discussion that followed our presentation as part of a post-panel Q & A reinforced the audience’s appreciation.
of confrontation, eventually the Lodge had no choice but to respond as the only way to ensure members in these units that we had a duty to protect the language of the Collective Bargain- ing Agreement. Initially, the Lodge’s responses maintained the level of professionalism that many have come to expect from this administration; but the continual anti-FOP rhetoric that emanated from some only caused more and more of a discon- nect between the Lodge and its members.
The Lodge immediately began to reach out to the members
randum of Understanding (MOU).
movement if, in fact, some members are unable to continue
who were promised a “date-certain” to begin a change in their
S h o r t l y a f t e r t h e s t a r t o f F e b r u a r y , t h e L o d g e b e g a n t o d e a l
Saturation, Gang and Guns 10.5-hour work day
schedules as the best way to communicate to them on what
was (and wasn’t) going to happen concerning the proposed
with a new type of relationship with 35th and Michigan. For changes. On different occasions, the Lodge met with two
those members who have not yet signed up for our FOP email large groups of officers to clarify the processes that should
blasts, you might have missed the back-and-forth updates that
have been followed, but weren’t. Both meetings began with
addressed the Department’s attempt to implement a new 10.5-
an obvious sense of distrust in that the members were told
hour work day for a select few (non-bid) units. The issue is
one inaccurate statement or promise after another. These
presently in the final stages of being addressed and will more
than likely be up and running shortly after this issue hits your
end of so much contradictory information.
mailbox. But what took place between the Lodge and the
Shortly after sharing the specific language that would be
Department needs some finalization. Even in a non-bid unit,
where a shift can be changed, days off can be altered and offi-
cers can be asked to work outside some of the protections of
they were not 100 percent pleased with the delay of the prom-
the Contract, a change in the hours required to work per day is
ised change, they understood the Lodge’s position. MOUs are
not something that can be done without being addressed in
the negotiation process or specifically articulated in a Memo-
a limited period of time with options to ensure protections of
There were several critical comments, incorrect accusations
to work in the effected units once the change(s) occur. The
and blatant untruths that with shared to our members by some in the Department. Although we worked on avoiding any type
language of our MOU covered our members in such a way as to protect everyone’s contractual rights, and not rely on a promise.
part of our MOU protections, our members “got it.” Although
limited group of officers about a change th at is identi fie d, for
officers were confused because they were on the receiving
there to protect the membership and are written to address a
A last-minute update to this should please those who were promised the change in schedule because the Department
has come to the realization that an MOU was the way to go to
get things done properly; and by doing things such as this the
“right way,” we are able to assist in ensuring that all of the par-
ties involved are protected, especially those that are FOP
(A QUICK NOTE: By now, ALL Lodge 7 members should be
signed up for the “FOP email blasts.” The most current and timely information comes directly to your cell phone and/or
email in the most timely and effortless way possible. You need
no special skill set or application to get approved. In order to
sign up, just call the FOP office, ask for Doreen or Brita, request
to be signed up for the blasts and begin taking advantage of this members-only service. Yo u w ill receive a ll L odge updates as they relate to curre nt events , critical incidents and calls for assistance.)
Detective Dennis McLaughlin (EOW 9/25/14)
It was Sept. 25, 2014 when Dete ctive Denn is McL aug hlin
and Sen. John Mulroe
walked into th e W atc h C om man der’s o ffice to speak with then-captain (now commander) Marc Buslic to discuss
whether a pending arrest situation was going to result in a
felony charge. Shortly after their conversation began, Dennis
fell to the ground with what appeared to be a cardiac episode.