Page 8 - February 2016
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THE 411: Information about education, training, fundraisers, fun and more...
March 19
Lodge 7 Family
Auxiliary Annual Lunch with the Easter Bunny
FOP Hall
1412 West Washington Boule- vard, Noon, Purchase a $6 ticket to have lunch with the Easter Bunny and take pictures, collect prizes and go on an Easter egg hunt. To purchase tickets, con- tact Family Auxiliary President Angie Haynes at 312-771-0015.
April 30
1340 West Washington, 6 p.m. 3359 West 115 Street, Merrionette Park
Enjoy food, refreshments, music, pipes and drums and the Trinity Dancers at the annual benefit. Purchase $20 tick- ets from officer Rick Caballero at 773- 551-5074.
March 20
College Visions ACT Workshop Strictly Strategies
FOP Hall
1412 West Washington Boulevard, 1 p.m. Lodge 7 invited College Visions to pre- pare member’s children for the ACT exam. The workshop focuses on impor- tant test strategies and techniques. Com- plete the form and pay a $25 registration fee to Kathy at FOP Lodge 7 by March 16.
March 31
A Benefit for Jeremy
FOP Hall
1412 West Washington Boulevard
6 p.m. , Attend a benefit to help 25th Dis- trict Officer Kelly Casey’s son Jeremy, diagnosed with severe Cerebral Palsy. Jeremy is in need of specific medical equipment and supplies that are not cov- ered by insurance. To purchase tickets, contact Anthony at 312-746-4496.
April 9
Hat Trick Bash for Easter Seals Metropolitan Chicago
115 Bourbon Street
4 p.m., Purchase a $35 ticket to join the Easter Seals for viewing part of the Chicago Blackhawks versus the Colum- bus Blue Jackets followed by a silent auc- tion. For tickets, visit www.easterseals
April 5
100 Club of Chicago Blackhawks game
United Center
1901 West Madison Street
7:30 p.m., The Chicago Blackhawks and the 100 Club have partnered to offer first responders and their fami- lies an exclusive ticket opportunity. A portion of the proceeds from tickets purchased will benefit the efforts of The 100 Club. To purchase, contact Jake at 312-455-7061 or
April 15
Battle of the Badges Fundraiser
7 p.m., Watch boxers from the Chicago Police Department take on the Chica- go Fire Department for $20 virtual ticket, which supports the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation, Ignite the Spirit Fund and the 100 Club of Chicago. For information, contact 312-747-5824 or visit www.chicagob-
Chicago Police
Memorial Foundation 12th Annual Run to Remember
Gold Star Families Memorial and Park
1410 South Museum Campus Drive
8 a.m., More than 560 Chicago police officers have lost their lives in the line of duty and the Chicago Police Memorial Founda- tion works to support their fami- lies. Join the CPMF at the annual run/walk event. For information, visit.
2016 Annual St. Patrick’s Party
FOP Hall
1412 West Washington Boulevard
6 p.m., Donate $20 for Harrington’s Corned Beef dinner, refreshments and entertainment featuring Coyote Riot. For more information, contact the Gift Shop at 312-733-2344.
March 13
South Side Irish Parade
103rd down Western Avenue to 115th Street, 12 p.m.
Join the 100 Club of Chicago at the South Side Irish Parade. For informa- tion, visit www.southsideirishparade. org.
March 17
Brotherhood for the Fallen 6th Anniversary St. Patrick’s Day Benefit
Plumbers Local 130
FOP/Employee Assistance Program
Stress Management Class Schedule
Hartgrove Hospital
5730 West Roosevelt Road (first floor Conference Room) 8:30 a.m. to 4: 30 p.m.
March 24 (DOG 7-1, 77-71-72, 63-64) and March 25 (DOG 1-2, 71-72-73, 64-65) April 28 (DOG 2-3, 72-73-74, 62-63) and April 29 (DOG 3-4, 73-74-75, 63-64) May 26 (DOG 5-6, 75-76-77, 66-61) and May 27 (DOG 6-7, 76-77-71, 61-62) June 23 (DOG 1-2, 71-72-73, 64-66) and June 24 (DOG 2-3, 72-73-74, 65-66) July 28 (DOG 3-4, 73-74-75, 63-64) and July 29 (DOG 4-5, 74-75-76, 64-65) Aug. 25 (DOG 6-7, 76-77-71, 61-62) and Aug. 26 (DOG 7-1, 77-71-72, 62-63) Sept. 22 (DOG 2-3, 72-73-74, 65-66) and Sept. 23 (DOG 3-4, 72-73-74, 66-61) Oct. 27 (DOG 4-5, 74-75-76, 64-65) and Oct. 28 (DOG 5-6, 75-76-77, 65-66) No classes in November
Dec. 1 (DOG 6-7, 76-77-71, 63-64) and Dec. 2 (DOG 7-1, 77-71-72, 64-65)
Contact Marikay Evans at 312-733-7776 for the application and have your Commanding Officer sign the bottom before returning to the FOP, Unit 541, Attention: Marikay Evans, via FAX 312-733-1367 or interoffice mail.

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