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 Each month, it becomes a struggle to write an article for Chicago Lodge 7 Maga- zine. I attempt to write articles which per- tain to police officers, either active or re- tired.
By the time this issue is published, a new Chicago FOP board will have been elected. There will be numerous issues that contin- ue to evolve, not only as a city but also as a
police department. We are now in the middle of “mod- ern policing,” in which each and every interaction be- tween the community and police officers is examined over and over. It’s easy to hit the reset button and thor- oughly examine each and every response by a police of- ficer in a given situation.
A police officer’s perception is different than the av- erage person’s. We need as police officers to process the needed information as an organization and to realize that our ability to stick together is extremely important. Politicians know one thing, which is the vote. Only by voting as a bloc can we make change for the better.
The improvements made to legal defense must con- tinue in the future. We must be able to defend our offi- cers, retired or active, to the best of our ability. We must be able to adapt to whatever obstacles are thrown in our direction. I am available to help anyone who needs it.
To all of the candidates, thank you for your desire to serve the FOP. Our members throughout this city de- serve the very best that our union can provide.
First Vice President’s Report
Going forward

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