Page 23 - DPM4_Winter_2021_Flipbook
P. 23
Here we are 50 years later, with Priscilla still the face and passionate inspiration of Decorative Painting.
There is no way to list all of Priscilla’s
incredible experiences in the art world or her
promotion of Decorative Painting. She has
been in People magazine, taught Richard
Simmons to paint, met Prince Bernhard of
the Netherlands, appeared on PBS-public
broadcasting, HGTV-The Carol Duvall
Show, Good Morning America, Craft and
Home Magazine (cover) and has published
over 250 books! And that is the short list!
No one has done more to put decorative
painting in the public eye. She has promoted
Decorative Painting with grace and joy at every opportunity.
None of these “great adventures” would have been possible without the total and loving support of Priscilla’s husband Jerry Hauser. He stepped into the role of both mother and father of their four children many times as Priscilla pursued her dream. She never misses a chance to give him credit for his lifetime of love for her, and her love and gratitude to him.
Priscilla Hauser has been an important part of the art world for over 50 years!
How many artists, designers, wood crafters, paint companies, entrepreneurs, and suppliers have benefitted from all the Society of Decorative Painters has brought to their doorstep? How much joy, learning, self-esteem, friendship, success, self-confidence and just down right fun have so many shared because of Priscilla Hauser’s fortitude and belief in the gift of Decorative Painting?
Of course, through the decades, there have been hundreds of teachers, designers, suppliers, and painters at every level who have contributed to the success of the Society of Decorative Painters. Priscilla’s never wavering presence has always been there to be our guide. If you are reading this, your life has been enriched in so many ways because of Priscilla. Think back to your own beginnings, then fast forward to today. We all can thank Priscilla Hauser for dedicating her life to making everyone of our lives better! THANK YOU for celebrating 50 years of the Society of Decorative Painters.
Cheers to 50 Years!
Written by Diana Pfau
Vice President SDP Foundation