Page 42 - DPM4_Winter_2021_Flipbook
P. 42
Chickadee Eye: Base with Soft Black. Be sure to leave some Light Buttermilk showing around the edge of the eye. (If you lose the edge, you can paint it back in with a liner brush and Light Buttermilk.) Highlight the eye with a dot of Light Buttermilk.
Wing Feathers: Starting at the neck, loosely paint in some Grey Mix and feather out. Lightly feather in Light Buttermilk on the tip of the wing. Use the chisel edge of your flat brush to create the feather effect. When dry, tint with Traditional Raw Sienna and shade with Soft Black. (If the black is too strong, brush mix a little Light Buttermilk to soften.) Highlight the tips of the feathers with strokes of Snow (Titanium) White.
Cap: Shade along the chickadee’s face with Soft Black. (If your original wash was too opaque, use Lamp Black to shade.) At the crown of his head, use the liner brush to pull some little stray hairs.
Beak: Use the Grey Mix to dry brush the highlight on the tip of the beak very lightly. This should be very subtle.
Shade around the beak and under the feathers with Soft Black. The eye is Lamp Black with a dot of Sand Grey; shade the beak with Grey Storm; highlight feathers with Scarlet; brighten the highlight areas with Fiery Red.
Shade the branch with a brush mix of Espresso and Soft Black; highlight with Sand Grey.
Pine Needles: Stroke in needles by alternating with Avocado, Light Avocado and Espresso. Keep the needles light and airy.
Berries: Dot in berries using Brillant Red; shade with Soft Black and Burnt Umber; highlight with Scarlet; brighten with Fiery Red. The final highlight is Sand Grey.
Traced Method: I have included the lettering in the instructions if you do not have the actual stamp. Trace the wording onto the surface and use the Rotring Pen to complete.
Stamp Method: Tap the black ink pad onto the rubber stamp until covered evenly, then stamp the image onto the surface.
I like to use Deco Americana Matte Spray for an excellent finish. Please be sure to read the manufacturer’s labels when spraying. Let the paint dry, and then spray with two (2) or three (3) light coats until you have even coverage.
If you prefer a brush on varnish, you must lightly spray the piece to set the ink on the wording. Use the brush on varnish of your choice.
If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a “holler”! Happy Painting.
40 TheDecorativePainter • WINTER 2021