Page 27 - MHP Full Brochure
P. 27

         KUPER specialist screening

        Uniquely, all Kuper screens are manufactured with moulded rather than punched apertures which
        eliminates the normal '’cooling tower’’ aperture profile and provides closer control of product sizing
        giving higher capacity. Furthermore, GK screens media offer unrivalled flexibility with a choice of
        both media material and screen format in every combination.

        Küper polyurethane - KÜPRENE, GK-SOFT
        Küper rubber - GIGANT und CLEAN are vulcanised in moulds with a different hardness
        (35 and 60 shore A)

        GIGANT                      CLEAN                      KUPRENE                     GK-SOFT

        GIGANT is vulcanised        CLEAN is vulcanised        This wear-resistant         This wear-resistant
        and moulded with a          and moulded to a           polyurethane has a          polyurethane has a
        hardness of 60 shore A.     hardness of 35 shore A.    hardness of 90 shore A.     hardness of 60 shore A.
        It is very abrasion         It is extremely            KUPRENE is elastic and      GK-SOFT is elastic and
        resistant and elastic.      flexible and wear-         impact-proof.               impact-proof. It is
                                    resistant.                 It is resistant to water    resistant to water and
                                                               and several different       several different
        Applications:               Applications:              chemicals.                  chemicals.
        --> Processing broken,      –> Processing materials    Applications:               Applications:
        sharp-edged and abrasive    that tend to cause         –> Wet screening,           –> Wet screening,
        materials.                  plugging.                  dewatering.                 dewatering
        --> For quarries, gravel    –> For quarries, gravel    –> For quarries, gravel     –> For quarries, gravel
        plants, mining and          plants, mining, recycling  plants, mining, recycling   plants,
        recycling industry.         industry.                  industry.                   mining, recycling
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