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4 Managing Complexity Certified
Inextricably woven throughout each of our services you will find four
areas of hyper-focus:
• Services are desgined to generate value for J.P. Morgan Chase; we are experts
at building strong, collaborative partnerships with the entire project but our
alegiance is to J.P. Morgan Chase.
• With Certified, J.P. Morgan does not require outside consultants to manage our
services; battle tested processes and thoughtful planning covers gaps created by
the removal of redundnant managers.
• We interact with J.P. Morgan’s clients professionally; we communicate the agreed
upon plan well in advance and manage to what we’ve communicated.
• Technology is at the core of our services; it is the thread that connects Certified,
Suppliers & J.P. Morgan by creating an efficent, accessible and complete
workspace that promotes collaboration & proactive solutioning.