Page 17 - Senior School Subject Selection Book 2021
P. 17



                                               - Analytical thinking
                                               - Problem solving
                   Critical Thinking           - Decision making
                                               - Reasoning
                                               - Re ecting and evaluating
                                               - Intellectual  exibility

                                               - Innovation
                                               - Initiative and enterprise
                                               - Curiosity and imagination
                  Creative Thinking            - Creativity
                                               - Generating and applying new ideas
                                               - Identifying alternatives
                                               - Seeing and making new links

                                               - E ective oral and written communication
                   Communication               - Using language, symbols and texts
                                               - Communicating ideas e ectively with diverse audiences

                   Collaboration &             - Relating to others (interacting with others)
                                               - Recognising and using diverse perspectives
                       Teamwork                - Participating and contributing
                                               - Community connections

                                               - Adaptability/ exibility
                                               - Management (self, career, time, planning and organising)
                  Personal & Social            - Character (resilience, mindfulness, open and fair-mindedness,
                           Skills              - Leadership
                                               - Citizenship
                                               - Cultural awareness

                                               - Operations and concepts
                        ICT Skills             - Accessing and analysing information
                                               - Being productive users of technology
                                               - Digital citizenship

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