Page 7 - Senior School Subject Selection Book 2021
P. 7



          The Senior years of school are exciting
               and students can expect many

          opportunities during these three years

          to further grow and develop their gifts
          and talents as leaders and role models

                   in the college community.

        Our staff desire to build relationships and foster this growth
        into  young adulthood through  the classroom,  camping  &
        sports programs, chapel, and extra curricular activities.

        Students are taught study skills and are often given greater
        independence in their learning activities.

        With this greater independence also comes greater
        responsibility, and a whole range of new expectations apply
        to the students.

        Homework: Senior students may be expected to do up to two
        and a half hours of homework per night.

        Independent  Study:  Students are encouraged to become
        independent learners.  This is a key skill which they will
        need to develop both for tertiary education and to become
        independent workers in the workplace. This is fostered by
        the approach which we have adopted in the college whereby
        the students are encouraged to assume the responsibility for
        their own learning.

        Skill  Areas:    Senior  education  is  a  place  of  acquisition  of
        new skills.  For instance, Modern History and Geography
        foster research and referencing skills whilst Biology and
        Mathematical Methods focus on process skills.  These areas
        are indeed great challenges for the students.

        Behaviour: A higher adult standard of behaviour and attitude
        is expected from Year 10s, 11s and 12s, particularly since they
        now become examples to members of the Middle and Junior
        Schools.  Any students who are not regularly submitting work,
        not participating in class, or demonstrating a generally non-
        cooperative attitude may be asked to justify their continued
        enrolment in the college.
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