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From the


                                                                our community. We can choose to lament their
                                                                leaving and feel sad and deprived of the future
                                                                time together or we can rejoice in the time and
                                                                opportunity we had to know and be with them.
                                                                This is not to say that we shouldn’t be sad, but that
                                                                the reason we are sad is because of how much
                                                                they were loved. It is the love that is important.

                                                                In amongst the joys and the sorrows, this year
                                                                has also been a tough one for our Senior School
                                                                students, particularly Year 11. The expected
                                                                changes  to  the  senior  curriculum  have  hit  with
                                                                a vengeance, creating chaos in schools across
                                                                Queensland, MCC being no exception. Probably
        2019 is coming to a close and what a year it has been.   the most significant change for the students
                                                                and teachers is the radical increase in difficulty
        This has been a real year of joy and sorrow. As a       of some of the new syllabi. Our staff have been
        school, we have had successes in F1 in Schools, in      there as students struggled with a higher level of
        Rugby, in mountain biking, in ICAS competitions,        expectation encouraging them and supporting
        in Chess and so many more. We have also had             them as they strive to meet this new challenge.
        the more personal joys  of  successful learning         It has been a difficult journey for everyone with
        overcoming challenges like those offered by the         many tears and much frustration. Meanwhile,
        school’s outdoor education programme. Mixed             our seniors, the  group known as  the Prep  half-
        in with this have been the sorrows, the passing         cohort, the group that was the first of the new
        of Jack Dunwoodie, a much-loved student who             enrolment age restrictions so many years ago,
        graduated last year left a hole in so many hearts.      have ended an era as being the last of the OP
        This was quickly followed by the loss of Mr Don         students and the last students to do a QCS test.
        Burns, our Senior School specialist Maths teacher
        extraordinaire.  It was while I was at the funerals     As we bring the year to a close I want to thank each
        of these members of our MCC community that I            of the staff members who have given their best
        recalled a lesson I learned many years ago. As I        this year for the students, and all the parents who
        listened to the eulogies for both Jack and Don,         trusted us with their most precious possessions,
        one a young many snatched in his prime and              their  children.  We  see  each  of  our  students  at
        the other an old man who had lived a long and           Mackay Christian College as a precious gift from
        glorious life, I heard the same message. Both           God  and we are  thankful  for each  moment we
        of these men lived life to the full, both the old       get to spend with them, even when they are
        and the young. They took hold of opportunities          driving us insane, because each of them are the
        with  both hands  and ran  with them.  They did         reason that Jesus came and died on a cross.
        not spend their time sulking and complaining            That fact is a joy that is worth all the sorrows.
        about how unfair life is. We all know that life is
        not fair, but these men ignored that. Instead,          God Bless,
        they  took  what  they  were  offered  and  made
        something beautiful of their time here. They
        found the Joy that is in the everyday things and
        refused to be dragged down by the sorrow.               Dr Barclie Gallogray
        Some of our staff and students are moving on at
        the end of this year, in fact, some have already
        left us for other places and positions. This same
        observation can be made about those changes to
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