Page 21 - PeakPeriodPlanning_EN
P. 21

             BEST PRACTICES

             STOREFORCE BEST PRACTICES                    •  Reflect traffic trends              •  Recognizes successful teams as
                                                                                                    it relates to segment success
             StoreForce can help by generating a          •  Accommodate peak periods
             personalized schedule that suits your           of the day and week                 •  Organize employees so that your
             store in order to:                                                                     people are in the right place at
                                                                                                    the right time.

             • Peak Periods and High Traffic Segments should              • Optimize your on-calls! Using on-calls is critical
             be assigned to Store Managers or Assistant Store             in ensuring proper coverage during busy times.
             Managers, since they have the most experience                You want to ensure that you are prepared for
             driving sales and leading a team to green.                   everything. Have one on-call person scheduled for            !
                                                                          morning, mid-day, and closing for every day—and
             • StoreForce will help you to generate schedules             double up on the weekends!
             that are tailor-made for your store, but use your                                                                      PLANNING TIP
             knowledge as a manager to build schedules as                 • Ensure that you have all your staff’s availabilities
             well. You know your team better than anyone else,            by no later than one month prior to your peak             When assigning
             so make sure you are placing the right people in             period.                                                   non-selling
             the right place when you make your schedule. For             » The schedules should be done in StoreForce and          (tasking) shifts,
             example, if you have an associate who is a strong            approved two weeks prior to the dates.                    make sure you
             seller but becomes overwhelmed quickly, schedule             » For example, the schedules for weeks ending             choose the
             them for one of the less busy days to fully optimize         December 2 and 3 should be done in StoreForce and         correct activity
             her capabilities.                                            approved by week 4 of November.                           in StoreForce, so
                                                                                                                                    it does not affect
             • During the day, make rotations in your team to             • Start planning ahead for your staffing needs!           selling.
             keep the energy going. For example, working the              Take into consideration what your recommended
             fitting room all day can become tedious—make sure            coverage is according to StoreForce in order to
             to keep your team’s momentum going by assigning              determine the number of associates to keep after
             them new tasks and positions throughout the day.             your peak period has ended.

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