Page 27 - PeakPeriodPlanning_EN
P. 27

             LOSS PREVENTION

             CUSTOMER AWARENESS                              EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM                     EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT PRIVILEGE

             Greet customers upon entering the store         Review Emergency Management Guide                Identify yourself as an employee when
             ensuring the front of the store is covered.     ensuring updated pages are replaced.             you enter a store. Have your shopping
             Offer service to customers throughout the       Check that all key holders have an orange        pass verified and show photo ID.  Show
             store; get into the blind spots with your       wallet card and understand how to use            your debit or credit card to manager
             customers to increase sales and eliminate       phone numbers. Know where to meet in             processing sale for verification of your
             the opportunity for theft in these areas.       an evacuation.                                   name and or signature– safeguard
                                                                                                              your integrity.  All persons authorized
             SHOPTHEFT PREVENTION                            PAYMENT FRAUD / SCAM PREVENTION                  to process employee sales need to
                                                                                                              understand that they must verify
             Role-play your stores code-word and             Minimize cash in register drawer / conduct       shopping pass, photo ID if Associate not
             burning techniques so team members              regular cash removals including $50              known to them and verify that name /
             are effective at using these in a non-          and $100 bills, process a ‘No Sale’ using        signature on debit or credit card matches
             accusatory manner. Beware of shoptheft          “audit” as the reason code.                      name on shopping pass.
             behaviors (team working together, staying       Refer to “Payment Fraud Prevention”
             behind a rack, watching you more than           -Section 3 LP Binder. Beware of quick            BANKING
             the merchandise)                                change artists! - Use of big bills for
                                                             small purchase, offering smaller change,         Deposits placed daily in Brinks Safe and
             STORE SECURITY                                  reaching over to drawer.                         bank deposit log fully filled out.

             Lockers / safes / rear exit doors locked        REFUND POLICY ADHERENCE                          INVENTORY CONTROL
             and stockroom doors closed during
             business hours. Store keys kept secure          Without receipt refunds to be processed          Check off boxes on delivery report as they
             and accounted for.  CCTV footage spot-          to a gift card only, receipt fully completed     arrive in store / scan with PDT and upload
             checked a minimum of 2 times per week           by customer and ID verified by cashier.          immediately.  Report discrepancies to
             and for any suspicious event. Store Alarm       Ensure all refund types are completed            Inventory Control via email at
             system is armed at closing upon Team’s          as per policy. Refund signature and    
             departure.                                      verification compliance by all employees
                                                             with management verifications at end of
                                                             day and following business day.

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