P. 67
Most customers are genuine and have legitimate reasons for coming back to make things right. For example:
• The customer ordered something online that didn’t work out for him her.
• The customer would like a price adjustment.
• The customer wishes to exchange an item.
• The customer is simply not satisfied with his/her purchase or changed their mind and would like a refund.
In each of these instances, YOU have the POWER to turn a potentially negative experience into a positive one. Being welcoming and cheerful about handing returns actually shows our customers how much you value them!
Did you know that when a customer who shops online comes to your store, you are engaging with one of our “most valuable” customers? They are likely to shop more often, have greater brand loyalty and likely make multiple visits to both online and stores annually. We want to work hard to ensure they choose to shop, return or exchange regardless of where their purchase originates.
Sometimes a return presents us with the opportunity to introduce our brand to an entirely new customer who received the item as a gift, but in the wrong size or color, and is now visiting our store for the first time!
“Sorry, Company Policy says...”– These are four words that we want to move away from. In our experience this starts a conversation on a negative tone and we want to “make it right”. Trying to return an item on the 33rd day? An item worn twice has come unsewn at the hem? Bought 3 sizes online because you weren’t sure which would fit? Need to swap colors but can’t find your receipt? Yes, we have policies for these situations, but we also trust our teams to take reasonable steps to make it right for them so that ultimately, they will stay loyal to our brand.
In order to satisfy your customer, YOU are EMPOWERED TO make exceptions and after offering an exchange or a Gift Card...
• Return items even if the price ticket was removed!
• Offer a price adjustment after 14 days if a customer is very upset!
• Provide a refund outside of our 30-day return policy (i.e. Day 33)!
• Etc.